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英语教學 | 2022冬奥英语秀(學生作品)









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2023-6-1 16:32:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Beijing is the first time to host the Winter Olympics in 2022. My favorite ice sport is the Short Track Speed Skating.

The Short Track Speed Skating is dominated by short track players which requires speed, skills and teamwork. In my opinion, this sport needs team spirit very much. Althletes can also learn the importance of teamwork in the competition and inprove their level at the same time. Everyone is responsible for helping the Winter Olympics! I also wish all athletes can get good results!

2. 郝运作品:

Beijing Olympic Games will be held in 2022, China. And this is the first time in Chinese history to host the Winter Olympic Games. Beijing is the first city to host two Olympics in China.

National Speed Skating Oval

It wi化痰止咳食物,ll host the Speed Skating competitions. The Ice Ribbon's roof and the free curving curtain wall of the oval represents the hard work of all constructors over the past years.

Wu Dajing

He was born in Heilongjiang Provin日劇dvd專賣店,ce on July 24,1994. He is a teamer of a Chinese Men's Short Track Speed Skating Team, the world record holder in the 500 meters and the Olympic record holder.

Short Track Speed Skating

It's a form of competitive ice speed skating. In competitions, multiple skaters skate on an oval ice track with a circumference o財神娛樂城,f 111.111 meters. The rink itself is 60m by 30m which is the same 539研究院,size as an international-sized ice hockey rink.

3. 张纳川作品:

4. 马念祖作品:

The origin of Skiing

Skiing originated in the cold and snowy areas, such as Actic and Tibet. Local people invented skiing in order to adopt to the environment and surive. But at that times, skiing was only a mode of transportation.

Nowadays, skiing is becoming more and more popular and skiing competitions often appear in previous Winter Olympic Games.

The Advantages:

1. Skiing can exercise our coordination ability.

2. Skiing can make us stronger and healthier.

The Disadvantages

1. The price of ski equipments are too expensive.

2. it's easy to get hurt during skiing.

In my opinion, skiing is a very suitable sport for us. it can not only make us fi何首烏生髮,t but also give us one more skills.

The most importantly, skiing can make us better to welcome the Winter Olympics.

5. 何子娴作品:


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