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發表於 2020-3-9 13:23:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
English name: Samantha

Chinese Name: Fei Jingwen

Current: Dean, Yizi American International College, Guangzhou

Important experience:

Honorary Dean of Hong Kong Universal Academy of Fine Arts

Senior Modeling Teacher in Asia-Pacific Region

Chief Judge of China International Decoration 高雄汽車借款,Competition

Evaluation of IFBC National Aesthetic Competition in China

Chief Judge of Global Permanent Plastic Arts Festival

Director of the First Congress of the Golden Lampstand in 2015

President of China, British Cpi Beauty Competition 2017

Won the National Top Ten Outstanding Embroidery Makeup Master in 2018


In 2017, the headquarters of Universal Aesthetics entrusted Fei Jingwen to Guangzhou, China, to carry out semi-permanent teaching technology support. The only branch address in China is Guangzhou Yizi American International College, which is one of the top 100 embroidery teachers in Universal Aesthetics.

Adhering to the teaching concept of Chinese attitude, the Dean taught the whole course in person, synchronizing the advanced courses of Asian countries and advanced teaching methods. Fashion design theory, fully realize the combination of theory and practice, to help students quickly grasp the world's leading semi-permanent makeup technology.


且在2018年率领广州伊姿美国际学院学员赴日本加入国际半永恒最大角逐【亚洲美亚大赛】(Asian Beauty Contest )系由中国、缅甸、老挝、越南、泰国、韩国、新加坡、日本、菲律宾、马来西亚、蒙古、台湾(地域)、香港(地域)代表共计11个国度2个地域代表介入,美业职业公会中心会缔结互助协定举行的专业国际美容赛事,且半永恒最高奖项的冠亚军都由伊姿美国际学院学员篡夺。

In 2017, President Fei Jingwen brought the latest semi-permanent technology and curriculum from Asia and other countries, combined with the unique teaching quality of Guangzhou Branch of China, semi-permanent teaching and academic sublima痔瘡治療方法,tion again. In 2017,

the average annual student number of semi-permanent college students exceeded 5000+, which is one of the largest in China. It enables the basic students to truly learn better, and it is also the best teaching quality, technology and reputation in China. One of the colleges. In 2018, Guangzhou Yizi American International College students were led to Japan to participate in the Asian Beauty Contest,

which was attended by representatives of China, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, Singapore, Japan, Philippines, Malaysia, Mongolia, Taiwan (region) and Hong Kong (region茵蝶,),

representing a total of 11 countries and 2 regions. The Central Co妹妹ittee of the American Professional Association has concluded a cooperative agreement to organize professional international beauty competitions,

and the top semi-permanent awards are won by the students of Yizi American International College.

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