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英语教學 | 英语课堂教學經典遊戲









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Best games

for English teacher

Games and fun activities are a vital part of teaching English as a foreign language. Whether you’re teaching adults or children, games will liven up your lesson and ensure that your students will leave the classroom wanting more.

Games can be used to warm up the class before your lesson begins, during the lesson to give students a break when you’re tackling a tough subject, or at the end of class when you have a few minutes left to kill. There are literally hundreds, probably thousands, of games that you can play with your students. EFL games are used to test vocabulary, practice conversing, learn tenses - the list is endless.

Game ———— Board Race

There isn’t an EFL teacher I know who doesn’t use this game in the classroom. Board Race is a fun game that is used for revising vocabulary, whether it be words from the lesson you’ve just taught or words from a lesson you taught last week. It can also be used at the start of the class to get students active. It is a great way of testing what your students already know about the subject you’re about to teach.

Why use it?

Revising vocabulary; gra妹妹ar

Who it's best for:

Appropriate for all levels and ages

How to play:

This is best played with 6 students or more - the more, the better. I’ve used it in classes ranging from 7-25 years of age and it’s worked well in all age groups. Here's a step by step explanation:

1.Split the class into two teams and give each team a colored marker.

2.If you have a very large class, it may be better to split the students into teams of 3 or 4.

3.Draw a line down the middle of the board and write a topic at the top.

4.The students must then write as many words as you require related to the topic in the form of a relay race.

5.Each team wins one point for each correct word. Any words that are unreadable or misspelled are not counted.


Best games

for English teacher

Games and fun activities are a vital part of teaching English as a foreign language. Whether you’re teaching adults or children, games will liven up your lesson and ensure that your students will leave the classroom wanting more.

Games can be used to warm up the class before your lesson begins, during the lesson to give students a break when you’re tackling a tough subject, or at the end of class when you have a few minutes left to kill. There are literally hundreds, probably thousands, of games that you can play with your students. EFL games are used to test vocabulary, practice conversing, learn tenses - the list is endless.

Game——Simon Says

This is an excellent game for young learners. Whether you’re waking them up on a Monday morning or sending them home on a Friday afternoon, this one is bound to get them excited and wanting more. The only danger I have found with this game is that students never want to stop playing it.

小琉球三天二夜套裝行程,Why use it?

Listening comprehension; Vocabulary; Warming up/winding down class

Who it's best for:

Young learners

How to Play:

1.Stand in front of the class (you are Simon for the duration of this game).

2.Do an action and say Simon Says [action]. The students must copy what you do.

3.Repeat this process choosing different actions - you can be as silly as you like and the sillier you are the more the children will love you for it.

4.Then do an action but this time say only the action and omit ‘Simon Says’. Whoever does the action this time is out and must sit down.

5.The winner is the last student standing.

6.To make it harde去疣藥膏,r, speed up the actions. Reward children for good behavior by allowing them to play the part of Simon.


T his classic game is a favorite for all students but it can get boring quite quickly. This game is best used for 5 minutes at the start to warm the class up or 5 minutes at the end if you’ve got some time left over. It works no matter how many students are in the class.

Why use it?

Warming up / winding down class

Who it's best for:

Young learners

How to play:

In case you've never played, here's a quick rundown.

1.Think of a word and write the number of letters on the board using dashes to show many letters there are.

2.Ask students to suggest a letter. If it appears in the word, write it in all of the correct spaces. If the letter does not appear in the word, write it off to the side and begin drawing the image of a hanging man.

3.Continue until the students guess the word correctly (they win) or you complete the diagram (you win).

小 學英语讲堂讲授經典遊戲先容(第 三 集)

Best games

for English teacher

Games can be used to warm up the class before your lesson begins, during the lesson to give students a break when you’re tackling a tough subject, or at the end of class when you have a few minutes left to kill. There are literally hundreds, probably thousands, of games that you can play with your students. EFL games are used to test vocabulary, practice conversing, learn tenses - the list is endless.


This is another game that works well with any age group; children love it because they can get creative in the classroom, teenagers love it because it doesn’t feel like they’re learning, and adults love it because it’s a break from the monotony of learning a new language - even though they'll be learning as they play.

Pictionary can help students practice their vocabulary and it tests to see if they’re remembering the words you’ve been teaching.

Why use it?


Who it's best for:

All ages; best with young learners

How to play:

1.Before the class starts, prepare a bunch of words and put them in a bag.

2.Split the class into teams of 2 and draw a line down the middle of the board.

3.Give one team member from each team a pen and ask them to choose a word from the bag.

4.Tell the students to draw the word as a pict去濕食物, ure on the board and encourage their team to guess the word.

5.The first team to shout the correct answer gets a point.

6.The student who has completed drawing should then nominate someone else to draw for their team.

7.Repeat this until all the words are gone - make sure you have enough words that each student gets to draw at least once!

Game——The Mime

Miming is an excellent way for students to practice their tenses and their verbs. It's also great for teachers with minimal resources or planning time, or teachers who want to break up a longer lesson with something more interactive. It's adaptable to almost any language point that you might be focusing on.

This game works with any age group, although yo暖宮神器,u will find that adults tire of this far quicker than children. To keep them engaged, relate what they will be miming to your grou桃園叫小姐,ps' personal interests as best as possible.

Why use it?

Vocabulary; Speaking

Who it's best for:

All ages; best with young learners

How to play:

1.Before the class, write out some actions - like washing the dishes - and put them in a bag.

2.Split the class into two teams.

3.Bring one student from each team to the front of the class and one of them choose an action from the bag.

4.Have both students mime the action to their team.

5.The first team to shout the correct answer wins a point.

6.Repeat this until all students have mimed at least one action.

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